Bonnie Tarantino

Trainings That Lead You H'omm

Private virtual sessions/readings
Classes and Private Sessions
Coaching packages
Reiki Trainings


A person in a yoga position with the sun in the background

Yoga In The Barn

Dates for October
Thursdays 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Sundays 6, 13, 27th
No class on October 29th


If you found me, you must be ready to find you. No doubt, we find ourselves in an incredible time of change. Many of us feel the urge to bring peace into this world while at the same time wanting radical reform. Learn how to RE-Source your energy and activate your latent gifts. It’s not too late, you’re actually just in time!



A person looking out over a cavernEnter here to access free meditations and original music designed to help you listen deeply and love your way through everything from restless nights to big life changes.

“When you can’t go out, go in.” — Martha Beck

Sessions, Workshops and Adventures

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The yoga barn is open! Join us for our opening celebration Saturday November 4th at Bonnie’s. Click in to discover more.


An outside table set up for a mealDo you have any idea the brilliant flame you carry and the important wisdom you keep?   Discard your heavy cloak of isolation, regret and suffering.  Join this group of light bearers as we illuminate, support and encourage each other’s expansion. Weekly online group meditations and Reiki shares along with bimonthly newsletters keep you informed and connected. Join us, we have a saved seat for you at our table.